Plan South America | Field Notes | Explore Antigua by Bike | Guatemala
Art, Family & Sabbatical, Honeymoon, Plan South America | Guatemala | 06.03.18

Explore Antigua by Bike | Guatemala


Explore Antigua with a morning bike ride in the company of PSA’s local guide along the cobbled-stone streets.

Learn about local life and the city’s key historic events as you explore different neighbourhoods, passing beautiful churches and bustling markets on the way. Explore Antigua’s surrounding hills, covered in lush small-holder’s coffee plantations, to enjoy a sweeping view over the entire city and the chain of imperious volcanoes that surround it.

Plan South America | Field Notes | Explore Antigua by Bike | Guatemala

Returning to the city centre, stop to ‘refuel’ at a local food market, where you’re spoilt for choice with rows of freshly-made juices, baskets of fresh fruit and veg, and plenty of traditional Guatemalan snacks (we’d advise a small breakfast to leave room for all the tasty treats on offer!). Watch brightly-clad local women hand rolling and cooking tortillas at high speed, then filling them with steaming rice, beans, dollops of fresh guacamole, a good helping of cheese and a few dashes of ‘picante’ (hot sauce) – absolutely delicious. The variety of produce in Antigua’s food markets ranges from the delicious to the exotic to the very strange (we’d recommend avoiding turtle’s eggs as they are endangered)… try as much as you can to taste the wonderful variety of flavours that come from each region in Guatemala. Warning! Some items are more suited to the adventurous food lover…!

In the afternoon, wander around the craft markets off main street. Guatemala is known for its artisanal goods, which are usually made with excellent quality materials, intricate and unique designs, and are very reasonably priced. Haggling is a fact of market life, so don’t be shy to join in, it’s all part of the fun (although they’ll almost certainly be better at it than you, so don’t work up a sweat!).

Return to your hotel for a typical Latino siesta before heading out for dinner. Antigua has a fantastic selection of local and international restaurants and we’ll recommend our favourites to you, always reserving the best available table for PSA clients. There are a number of live music venues where line-ups are constantly changing – should you wish to go for a dance or listen to some traditional Marimba after dinner, please ask our experts for more details.

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